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Statement of Principles of
the New Black Nationalist Movement
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Principles of the NBN:

New Black Nationalists are a handful of thought activists committed to the creation of an independent Black-led, non-heteropatriarchal nation-state on the continental landmass of America's settler regime.

New Black Nationalists adhere to the ideology of Black Nationalism as a set of beliefs and practices that promotes the unity of the Black Commons: develops, maintains, and advocates national consciousness, identity, and self-determination to create a majority Black-led nation-state. 

New Black Nationalists are not Pan-Africanists, Afrocentrists, Afropessimists, Socialists, or Black Atlanticists, ideologically or programmatically. 

New Black Nationalists working theory of Blackness builds on Michelle Wright's articulation of Blackness as a construct that operates "implicitly and explicitly, defined by phenotype and behavioral characteristics. Blackness exists phenomenologically as a collective and individual identity, defined by perceptions and performance at any given time. Blackness is subject to interpretation in the past, present, or future tense. The phenomenology of Blackness focuses on the why, when, and where it is being interpreted, rather than the who and the what. Blackness as a collective identity intersects with other identities, inclusive of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, culture, and performance. "

New Black Nationalists’ goal of creating an independent Black nation-state is an integral component of the African/Black Diaspora international struggle to accelerate successful national liberation movements to overthrow neo-imperial rule across the planet.   

New Black Nationalists embrace poet-author Alice Walker’s originalist articulation of 'womanism' as an indispensable social change perspective to achieve Black women’s emancipation, and the transition to a non-heteropatriarchal Black nation.

New Black Nationalist ideology and beliefs are grounded in the philosophical system embodied in the collective writings of Martinican revolutionary and theorist Frantz Fanon. The coupling of Fanon’s Decolonial Theory on race, along with his constructs on dialectics, phenomenology, ontology, and ‘New Humanism’, comprise a unified and coherent system of ideas to work out the Black nationalist agenda for liberation in America's settler state.  

​New Black Nationalists believe Black people within the borders of America's settler state constitute a historically evolved oppressed nation within an imperial empire. By ‘oppressed nation’ we mean a nation denied the right to self-determination to determine its own destiny.  
We believe enslaved Blacks and their descendants originated from a common geographical region primarily but not exclusively in West Africa. 

We submit that as members of different tribes and ethnic groups, enslaved Blacks inhabited large swaths of Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi, and South Carolina as the majority population by the mid-1800s.

Over time, we believe these descendant tribes and ethnic groups mostly from West Africa developed a serviceable lingua franca and subsequently collective fluency in the English language.

We believe the vast majority of Black slaves customized a suite of African customs, agricultural practices, arts, religious practices, music, language, and dress, with their common experiences navigating the dominant plantation slavery system in the U.S. to create a new Black culture.  

We believe the conditions Black slaves and free Blacks endured over the course of 250 years of slavery and a subsequent century of Jim Crow segregation was the cornerstone of the Black Commons developing a distinct collective psychological makeup.  

Between the end of Black Reconstruction in 1876 and the advent of the 1900s, we believe this new Black nation developed a nascent class structure, inclusive of a modified peasantry, middle class, and national bourgeoisie.   

​As a historically constituted and stable community of people, formed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, and psychological make-up manifested in a common culture, we hold the Black Commons formed a distinct nation of people. 

As a nation, the Black Commons in America's settler state are entitled to full self-determination to choose their own destiny. The right to self-determination means a nation may arrange its affairs in the manner it wishes to on the basis of autonomy. Consonant with the specific conditions that exist when exercising self-determination, the Black Commons have the right to create a sovereign nation within its historical homeland of the Black Belt South (Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, Mississippi, and South Carolina). The Black Commons’ right of self-determination may also include the creation of Black autonomous regions within a larger multi-racial state, independent, Black city-states, or voluntary incorporation of Black polities into other sovereign nation-states of its choosing.   

​New Black Nationalists support the right of self-determination of all oppressed people internationally, including those oppressed nations, national minorities, and ethnic groups waging "people's wars" to liberate themselves from foreign and domestic domination.

New Black Nationalists support the creation of an independent homeland for Latinx, and all indigenous First Nation people living within the boundaries of American Empire. We support negotiated forms of autonomy for Asian Americans if they so desire.  

In creating a non-heteropatriarchal nation-state New Black Nationalists hold that Black women, trans people, and non-binary and gender non-conforming people will be fully invested subjects of the republic. 

New Black Nationalists believe gender and sexual identity are socially constructed. In this respect, we are not bio-essentialist in terms of gender role assignment which is fluid and based on cultural specificity for any given people. We accept trans individuals, non-binary and gender non-conforming people as they represent or present themselves. 

New Black Nationalists condemn racist ideology, sexism, ageism, homophobia, and xenophobia in all its manifestations.  

New Black Nationalists place the collective interests of the Black Commons above individual, class, ethnic, gender, and factional interests. As such, we dissent against the bedrock premise of Western philosophical and value systems. ​
Frantz Fanon
​ A Black Nation 
Our Central Task

A Post-Heteropatriarchal  New Humanist Society
​A Statement of Principles
Alice Walker
Michelle Wright

Declaration of Independence         Declaration of Rights          Vesey Estate Parliament         Governance Theory of Elasticity       Women's Autonomous Region
What New Black Nationalists Believe
Black Nationalist - Fanonist - Womanist 
​Black Nationalist - Womanist - Fanonist
The Vesey Republic