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For three years we've seen Donald Trump’s MAGAfied militarist misfits of Kluckers, Toy Nazis, and ‘Boogaloo Boys’ that Alt-Right leader Greg Johnson said couldn’t “defeat a group of mall cops,” parading around like peacocks. But on July 4, the shocking images of 1,000 armed Black people of the “Not Fucking Around Coalition,” (NFAC) marching in Stone Mountain, Georgia, lit up cell phones, laptops, twitter feeds, TV screens, and flashing red lights in the White House "Situation Room".

The NFAC Coalition march of Black women and men, most bearing AK-15s and sidearms, was led by the charismatic commander ‘Grand Master Jay.’ Trekking across venerated Confederate soil and the perennial Ku Klux Klan gathering site, at Stone Mountain Memorial Park, NFAC speakers challenged “the sheets” on their home turf to present themselves as the chiseled crystalline mineral images of Generals Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson and Confederate President Jefferson Davis stared down at them from the mountainside.  

From the indigenous Lakota Sioux Tribe protests during Trump’s Covid-19 Death Tour speech at Mount Rushmore a day earlier, to the NFAC march on Stone Mountain, the resistance to symbols of White Supremacy and American Empire’s war on People of Color dominated the national narrative. 

But who were these warriors, clad in Black military khakis, ammo belts and combat boots? No, it wasn’t the Black Panthers, as so many incorrectly tweeted out. 

Commander Grand Master Jay described the NFAC this way, “We’re all ex-military, we’re all very disciplined, we’re all expert shooters. We don’t want to talk no more, we don’t want to negotiate, we don’t want to sing songs, we don’t bring signs to a gun fight. We are an eye for an eye organization. So, when they decide to act right, we’ll decide to act right and we’ll do it all legally, just like they do.” Commander GMJ said the militia is “the backbone for the military, for a new Black nation.” 

New Black Nationalists support the armed march of the “Not Fucking Around Coalition,” that upheld the right of armed self-defense of the Black community from violence. As Commander GMJ said, “We will not allow the murder of another black person, whether it be by white people or black people. I am not fucking around.”  

New Black Nationalists support the NFAC’s demand to remove the images of the Confederate Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, and Confederate President Davis from Stone Mountain as a public park. It has no place there. 

New Black Nationalists are working to create a majority Black-led nation on the continental lass mass of America settler state, when American Empire collapses in the 2020’s. While our network is Black, our Black majority led nation will welcome ethnic groups and people of color. In this sense we don’t consider ourselves as Black separatists. Nevertheless, we have no problem with the NFAC if it self-identifies as a Black separatist coalition.  

We view our Black nation as politically pluralists, with the right to self-determination taking multiple possible forms, consonant with conditions on the ground when American Empire falls. Accordingly, New Black Nationalists are not opposed to the NFAC’s call to exercise the right of self-determination by creating an independent Black nation in the current territory of Texas. 

Commander GMJ laid out his vision of nationhood this way, “The solution is very simple. We follow the declaration of liberation, declaring every African American descendent of slavery a political prisoner here in the United States who were affected by the Portuguese slave trade and then after that the United States has a choice either carve us a piece of land out here, we will take Texas, and let us do our own thing or don’t stop us when we exit this body here and go somewhere where they will give us our own land to build our own nation.”

Further, New Black Nationalists condemn all attacks on people, based purely on race, ethnicity, nationality, and religion. We reject what we regard as precipitous attempts to label the NFAC as being a Hebrew-Israelite organization. We have not seen any public representation by NFAC self-identifying its coalition as such. 

Black Hebrew Israelites have been labeled by the Southern Poverty Law Center (the right arm of the FBI) as a Black separatist “Designated Hate Group.” That’s the equivalent of being listed as the B-Team or Jr. Varsity on the FBI domestic terrorist list as a “special interests terrorism” group—a new category since the FBI was forced to drop its fake “Black Identity Extremist” designation in 2019.  

Similarly, we’ve seen blanket condemnations of NFAC as an anti-Semite organization. The “so called” evidence of this charge is an April 1, tweet supposedly from Commander GMJ responding to a message he received that the FBI raiding homes of medical masks hoarders from New York who the sender suggested may be Jewish. Commander GMJ is reported to have replied, “So, the Jews are hoarding masks? That would be ironic.” The second charge is that Commander GMJ posting an “alert” of a fake Hitler quote demeaning Jews. Why or in what context the alleged posting appears, we have no idea. 

For New Black Nationalists, the charges of anti-Semitism based on these two alleged incidents are thin, very thin. What we do know is that Commander Grand Master Jay addressed the charge of anti-Semitism directly on a Twitter video, saying “Now they’re trying to accuse us of being against the Jews, saying we’re anti-Semitic. We don’t give a fuck about the Jews. We care about Black people.”  

These attacks are all routed and designed to land the NFAC in the “terrorist box” and must be exposed.  

The emergence of NFAC at this time is not surprising to New Black Nationalists. Across the country, armed Black militia groups have been proliferating. They’ve appeared at BLM events, escorted Black public officials into the state capital in Michigan, stood post to protect black stores in Minneapolis during the George Floyd protests, and protesting Chinese embassies for the treatment of African students by the government in Beijing.  

Since our inception as a network dedicated to developing analytical and theoretical works to support the creation of a new Black nation-state, we have characterized the period since Trump took office as a “pre-revolutionary period. From building the wall with Mexico to calling Black NFL players taking a knee “sons of bitches,” it has been marked by intensifying “race-based cultural warfare,” initiated by Trump, White Nationalists and the Alt-Right. 

Trump not only won the civil war inside the GOP but converted the Republican Party into White Nationalist social base loyal to him as its cult leader. More importantly, the onset of the 2020’s has increasingly been marked by a profound deepening of the economic, social, and governing crisis of American Empire. The country is transitioning to preparations for a civil conflagration or civil war in this decade.  

Whether you agree with the “Not Fucking Around Coalition” or not, arguably they understand the moment, the perils, and the possibilities better than most people. That’s why they’re not “bringing signs to a gun fight.”

New Black Nationalist Statement of Support for the "Not Fucking Around Coalition"  (NFAC)