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The Integrated Battlespace Doctrine 
August 28, 2023
"The defenses of the colonized are tuned like anxious antennae waiting to pick up the hostile signals of a racially divided world. In the process, the colonized acquire a peculiar visceral intelligence dedicated to the survival of body and soul." 

Frantz Fanon, Wretched of the Earth

Document Table of Contents 


The Integrated Battlespace Doctrine

NBN Position on Armed Struggle

Redefining the Black Belt Nation Theory

Trump/ MAGA Regime Change Strategies

Defeating Trump's Regime Change Project 

Armed Self-Defense, Exit & Independence
The Integrated Battlespace Doctrine



The week after Trump's January 6, 2021, Barristers Coup failed, New Black Nationalists predicted MAGA seditionists would attempt another extraconstitutional seizure of state power during or following the 2024 presidential election. Two and a-half years later, MAGA-Verse's preparations for regime change are escalating. 

Since the Barristers Coup, Red State legislatures have passed tranches of voter suppression laws targeting non-white, women, and student voters. White nationalist militias flattened their organizational hierarchies, migrating to smaller and leaderless autonomous cells while others went dark or underground. MAGA-Verse social media platforms were air-brushed and renamed. 

While Trump's legions reorganized their ranks to prepare for 2024, lone wolves stepped into the delta to pick up the slack. One terrorist attacking the Cincinnati FBI office was gunned down, another threatening to kill Joe Biden was smoked in a Utah FBI shootout. Ten Black shoppers in Buffalo May 2022 and three in Jacksonville in August 2023 were cowardly massacred. Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband was assailed in a home invasion, and would-be assassins stalking Barak Obama, and Vice-President Kamala Harris's residences were arrested. 

​But like Newton's Third Law of Motion, "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." The Black Commons responded to Trump's violent white nationalist surge. A leaderless BLM 2.0 revolt launched the largest protests in American history that metastasized across the planet after George Floyd's public execution. 

Then, something even more startling happened: the Black Commons posted the largest increase in national gun sales (up 58.2%) in 2020. The single fastest-growing demographic purchasing firearms was Black women, who also began starting their own shooting clubs. The National African American Gun Association emerged the countries' largest non-white gun organization with 75 chapters and more than 30,000 members. In the same period traffic increases on the Black Gun Owners Association portal caused its website to crash.  

It was, however, the July 4, 2020, Not Fucking Around Coalition (NFAC) march of 1000 Blacks in full military kit at Georgia’s Stone Mountain Park that jolted the Black imagination and stunned the nation. The NFAC manifesto was the tip of the spear. The New Black Panther Party for Self Defense, Elmer Geronimo Pratt Gun Club, and Huey P. Newton Gun Club attracted new recruits. They held marches commemorating the 1921 burning of Tulsa's Black Wall Street, and national reparations conferences at Mississippi’s Devil’s Punchbowl site where Black Union soldiers were massacred during the Civil War. Dozens of new local armed self-defense and Black watch groups surfaced across the country. 

Since 2020, we've witnessed the spontaneous emergence of a loose constellation of armed Black self-defense groups, militias, advocacy organizations, community groups, and 2nd Amendment Rights organizations. Together, these forces constitute the molecular structure of a self-defense Black Home Guard. They embody Frantz Fanon's observation that "The defenses of the colonized are tuned like anxious antennae waiting to pick up the hostile signals of a racially divided world. " 

The taking up of arms signals the Black Commons are not naive to the dangers swirling around us. Nor is there a deficit of resolve to respond to the moment. What the Commons lack, however, is a rough collective consensus about the nature of Trump's authoritarian regime change enterprise and a schema to derail it. The Integrated Battlespace Doctrine (IBD) attempts to close the gap between the Black Commons fragmented perceptions and spontaneous reactions and the need for a coherent action plan to abate the existential threat.  

The argument presented here asserts Trump's MAGA-Verse coalition of Republican Party seditionists, white nationalist militias, far-right globalists like Peter Theil, Fox News, rogue U.S. military generals, and Russian intelligence networks have successfully discredited and destabilized America's core institutions--especially its electoral system. They have done so to justify another attempt to seize the federal government in 2024 by any means possible.  
Further, we hold that to defeat Trump in 2024, and neutralize MAGA-Verse's post-election extra-constitutional attempts to violently seize power, grassroots Black Democrats must mutiny to dislodge Joe Biden's anemic candidacy and nominate Gretchen Whitmer as the strongest candidate. The Black Commons and Whitmer would negotiate specific policy commitments are agreed upon appointments to critical positions to ensure our communities' security defenses are hardened against violent attacks by white nationalist terrorists. If an agreement could not be reached, the Black Commons would be encouraged to stay home in November or support Cornel West's Green Party candidacy. 

Finally, Battlespace supports the aggressive self-defense arming and training of the Commons in Black communities. Should Trump or any Republican nominee lose the presidential election and MAGA-Verse elements attempt to topple the federal government, Black communities will resist attacks against our people with arms. If it becomes necessary for Black Communities to assist a Democrat administration to defeat a MAGA-Verse insurrection, we must have guarantees that Blacks wishing to separate from the American Empire are granted the appropriation land to create an independent Black nation-state and additional majority Black-led polities.  

What NBN refers to as a 'Black Commons and Democrat Party Grand Bargain' would afford maximum security arrangements for the Black majority that wish to maintain their estate of citizenship within American Empire. For the Black Commons who like NBN have long dreamed of liberation from America's corporately managed democracy to build a new society, the democratic fruits of choice and self-determination to create their own nation-state would be realized. The framework of a formal separation accord, to create sovereign Black polities would be enumerated in a National Divorce Agreement.  

In the following sections, NBN outlines the essential interlocking components of the Battlespace doctrine. Because of the length of the Battlespace paper, each section has individual page links with additional content for those readers who may not be interested in reading the document in its entirety. 
