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       Welcome to the Frantz Fanon Forum Info-Update Center         Please send all Forum commentaries and papers with links to us via Twitter @ WBBrooksIII 
Blogs and Articles
​The Frantz Fanon Blog
Fanon and Women's Liberation by Terry Moon
Fanon and the Question of Praxis   by Tricontinental
Response to Ato Sekyi-Otu’s 'Fanon’s Dialectic of Experience'
​Fanon Forever, by Haythem Guesmi                      africasacountry.com 
The Year of Frantz Fanon         by Achille Mbembe
​ Pitfalls on National Consciousness      Marxist.org
Fanon: The Brightness of Metal        thetricontinental.com
Forum Home
​On Women
On Identity
​On Marxism
​On Violence
Lived Experience
Welcome Message, from NewBlackNationalism.com 

Welcome to the Frantz Fanon Forum.  It's an honor for New Black Nationalists to host this forum. We want to emphasize, however, that the forum belongs to everyone who participates in it. 

This forum also belongs to people who disagree with the adoption of Fanonism--in whole or in part--as the ideology of choice for New Black Nationalists and other strains of self-identified Black Nationalist thought.  

For anyone that is interested in reviewing the basic principles underlying the New Black Nationalist movement, you may access them at the "What We Believe" link on the home page.   

As the October 29, 2020, call for the forum explained, this rereading and assessment of Frantz Fanon's works, is being conducted based on advancing the revolutionary project of creating an independent Black nation within America's settler state. But we will also accept input from participants throughout the Black diaspora.   

In order for this forum to be truly meaningful and substantive, we are seeking the widest participation possible. We want to hear from you. 

We are requesting that all comments, questions, position papers, and thought documents that anyone wishes to contribute to the discussion before this open forum, be communicated to us via Twitter.

Please include links to any websites, blogs, or papers directing us to the text you want to put before the forum, and forward your Tweets to @WBBrooksIII  All information received will be posted. 

As you can see from the subject links we've provided on eight issues (Nationalism, On Women, Marxism, Lived Experience, Decolonization, Identity, Humanism, and the role of Violence) we will post submissions by subject area. If your submission is in a different area than listed above, we will cross-reference the issue and post it as well.     

This Info/Updates page will be used to update the readers and participants about the progress of the forum. Currently, the initial phase of the Frantz Fanon Forum is scheduled to end on February 28, 2021. 

At that time, we hope to a make a recommendation on whether the sentiment and feedback we received, merits us moving forward with a second phase to adopt Fanonism as the ideology of New Black Nationalism. 

​On behalf of all the stateless maroons of the New Black Nationalist movement, thank you for joining us in this historic process. We look forward to hearing from you. 

Central Directorate
November 1, 2020